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It will take you just 3 steps

Apply today to secure your place for next intakes.



Embark on your educational journey with just 3 simple steps:

  1. Apply today to secure your place for the next intake.

  2. Join our diverse community comprising over 1800 new students from across 120 countries every year.

  3. Experience 100% online flexible learning tailored for international students.

Study online and graduate with distinction in Switzerland. Start shaping your future today.


Select your desired subject area: e.g., Business Administration
Opt for your preferred diploma level: e.g., Doctorate's (MBA)
Specify your specialization: e.g., Sales and Marketing

Made your choices?

To register, simply complete the online form or reach out to our head office in Switzerland. Rest assured, this step is entirely free of charge—there are no upfront fees. If you later decide to explore other specializations or diploma levels, you'll have ample time to reassess your options with us.

After you've submitted your application, expect to hear back from us within 3 working days. If any documents are missing, we'll promptly request them via email to ensure a smooth process.

To finalize your application, please send the following documents, translated to English and officially stamped, to our admissions office:

  • Completed application form

  • High school diploma (for undergraduate applicants) or Undergraduate Diploma (for postgraduate applicants)

  • IELTS, TOEFL, or equivalent test results

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • Work references (if available)

  • Copy of passport or an official ID

We're here to guide you through every step of your academic journey.


Once we have received all your documents and reviewed your application, our Admission office will send you an email titled "OFFER LETTER." This signifies that you have met the qualifications for your chosen program. However, to secure your place, all students must pay a registration fee of 240 Euros. Once paid, this fee will be forwarded to the Head of Admission for final approval.

Please be aware that our Offer Letter is valid for only 14 days. Failure to submit the registration fee within this timeframe may result in the inability to guarantee your place. Given the high volume of daily applications and our limited capacity, prompt action is essential to secure your spot at ISBM Switzerland.


Upon receipt of the Registration fee, we will promptly issue an "OFFICIAL LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE." This letter secures your place to study at our institution. Occasionally, you may be required to pay a portion of the study fee upon receiving this letter.

It's important to note that the first-year fee must be settled 2-4 weeks before the intake date. Subsequently, we will provide you with comprehensive study materials and instructions on accessing our virtual classrooms. Typically, our study programs are scheduled from Friday to Sunday.


Admission Criteria

At the ISBM Switzerland, our admissions process is rigorous, ensuring that each applicant's academic readiness is thoroughly evaluated.

Here, you'll discover comprehensive details regarding our admission criteria and the enrollment procedure.

We offer 5 intakes throughout the year, providing ample opportunities for prospective students to begin their academic journey with us.

EQF 4-6:

Equal to EQF Level 4

Undergraduate Diploma

Duration: one-year Study program

Age: Minimum age 17 years

Previous study: High School Diploma or equivalent

English level: IELTS or equivalent (Only for students from non-English speaking countries or students who did not study at English speaking school)

Equal to EQF Level 5

Higher Diploma

Duration: 2-year Study program

Age: Minimum age of 17 years

Previous study: High School Diploma or equivalent

English level: IELTS or equivalent (Only for students from non-English speaking countries or students who did not study at English speaking school)


Equal to EQF Level 6

Academic Bachelor

Duration: 3-year Study program

Age: Minimum age of 17 years

Previous study: High School Diploma or equivalent

English level: IELTS or equivalent (Only for students from non-English speaking countries or students who did not study at English speaking school)

Equal to EQF Level 7

Academic Master

Duration: 2 years Study program

Age: Minimum age of 21 years

Previous study: Bachelor or equivalent

English level: IELTS or equivalent (Only for students from non-English speaking countries or students who did not study at English speaking school)

Postgraduate programs:

Equal to EQF Level 7

Executive Master

Duration: 6 Months + Thesis

Age: Minimum age of 23 years

Previous study: Bachelor or equivalent 
OR 5 years of Management Experience + High School Diploma or equivalent

English level: IELTS or equivalent (Only for students from non-English speaking countries or students who did not study at English speaking school)

Equal to EQF Level 8


Duration: 3-year Study program

Age: Minimum age of 25 years

Previous study: Master or equivalent

English level: IELTS or equivalent (Only for students from non-English speaking countries or students who did not study at English speaking school)

Industriestrasse 59, 6034 Inwil, Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland


© منذ 2016 ISBM AG (الكلية الدولية لإدارة الأعمال)
ISBM هي من بين الجامعات المستقلة الرائدة في إدارة الفنادق والأعمال في سويسرا
. تحت رقم التسجيل: 309.005.867،

تعمل كلية ISBM للأعمال في لوزيرن، سويسرا، بموجب القرار الممنوح من قبل مجلس التعليم والثقافة في كانتوننا، وفقًا للخطاب رقم "12AUG16kom". تلتزم منهجيات برنامج التعلم عن بعد لدينا بـ "المادة 21 Abs. 2 Ziff.11 Bst" - MWSTG، والتي تم تقييمها والموافقة عليها من قبل وزارة المالية الفيدرالية السويسرية (الخطاب رقم 1523_01/04.14). نحن نفخر بحصولنا على العديد من الاعتمادات من هيئات الجودة المعتمدة من الحكومة، مما يؤكد التزامنا بالتميز التعليمي. وتشمل هذه الاعتمادات الاعتماد من BSKG، المعترف به من قبل وزارة التعليم والعلوم، وEDU التي أسستها وزارة التعليم في PW، وASIC المعتمدة من قبل الحكومة البريطانية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تمت الموافقة على الدبلومات المهنية والتدريبية لدينا من قبل هيئة المعرفة والتنمية البشرية، وهي وكالة حكومية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة تُعرف أيضًا باسم هيئة دبي التعليمية. علاوة على ذلك، حصلت برامجنا التجارية حتى مستوى الدكتوراه على اعتماد برامجي من منظمات مرموقة مثل ECBE وECLBS، وهي اعتمادات مرموقة في أوروبا. لقد حصلنا أيضًا على شهادة EFMD-EOCCS لدبلوماتنا الصغيرة. والجدير بالذكر أننا أول كلية إدارة أعمال خاصة في سويسرا تحصل على شهادتي ISO مزدوجتين. تفتخر ISBM بتصنيفها بين جامعات إدارة الفنادق الرائدة على مستوى العالم من قبل QRNW وهي جمعية أوروبية رائدة غير ربحية مكرسة لتعزيز التميز في التعليم.
علاوة على ذلك، فإن ISBM هو عضو معتمد في مكتب السياحة الوطني السويسري (MySwitzerland)، والجمعية السويسرية للجودة (SAQ)، وغرفة التجارة والصناعة العربية السويسرية (CASCI)، مما يؤكد التزامنا بالتميز وتعزيز الأعمال التجارية القوية. روابط.

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Part of the Swiss International University SIU which is Licensed and accredited by the KG Ministry of Education and Science

جزء من الجامعة السويسرية الدولية، المرخصة والمعتمدة من قبل وزارة التعليم والعلوم

Teil der Swiss International University, die von dem Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsministerium der Kirgisischen Republik lizenziert und akkreditiert ist

Часть Швейцарского Международного Университета, который лицензирован и аккредитован Министерством образования

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