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Our Story

Our program’s main goal is to provide career advancement opportunities for adults through practical and carefully crafted experiential training programs. Since our establishment, our reputation has grown as our graduates go on to become knowledgeable professionals in their field.

Through engaging and hands-on educational opportunities, International School of Business Management - ISBM Luzern / Switzerland continuously cultivates future industry leaders. If this is what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to get in touch to learn more about what we have to offer.



Get to Know Us

The International School of Business Management (ISBM) is among to the Top Hotel and Business Management Schools in Switzerland and we believe that ISBM is a different kind of Hotel Management School established in Lucerne - Switzerland. ISBM is a small School, at ISBM we have between 140-150 students per semester. ISBM is focusing to be assured that our students can be highly personalized and get an individual support during the Education in Switzerland. That’s why we believe that ISBM is inclusive, not exclusive Swiss Hotel Management School. ISBM is truly a global Hotel Management School that’s why Our students can enjoy the international culture experience. Goal: The ISBM trains the students to be professionals who are fully conscious and active members of the society.

We provide the students with high level of professional education.
We groom the students to be independent and interactive members of team, who think logically and their actions are transparent.
Variety of methods in instruction, modern teaching material and innovative teaching staff help to create a comfortable learning atmosphere.
We contribute to the lifelong learning concept.


The environment in the school is based on mutual understanding and tolerance.
The students contribute to their utmost limit to develop an environment of mutual respect, dignity, empathy and motivation to learn.

Using sophisticated infrastructure in good learning environment, the staff can bring high quality services.
Self-respect, responsibility and cooperation in team.
School Management

The school management work goal oriented and decisions are transparent.
The members of the staff related with the matter are consulted.
The responsibilities and authorities are delegated and in this way the there is a feeling of joint venture in the staff and they are creative.
Quick deciding process, clearly defined responsibilities help to develop a strong, transparent and understandable organization.

The members of the staff are ready to analyze their services critically and to improve them.
The fully organized system continuously checks and improves the quality in our school.
Public Relation

The school has a continuous contact with all the concerned people and organizations.
All the members of the staff improve the image of the school through their
With students currently enrolled from around 30 nationalities, ISBM is truly a global Business and Hotel School. A few of these countries are:  Belgium, China, India, Indonesia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Switzerland, Syria, Thailand, United Kingdom, Ukraine, the United States of America, UAE, Vietnam…

Industriestrasse 59, 6034 Inwil, Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland


© Since 2016 ISBM AG (International School of Business Management) 

الجامعة الدولية السويسرية منذ عام 1999
ISBM is among the Leading independent Hotel and Business Management Schools in Switzerland 
Reg. Nr. UID CHE-309.005.867, 

ISBM Business School in Luzern, Switzerland, operates under the allowance granted by the Board of Education and Culture in our Canton, as per letter number "12AUG16kom". Our distance learning program methodologies by our daughter school adhere to "Art. 21 Abs. 2 Ziff.11 Bst" - MWSTG, evaluated and approved by the Swiss Federal Department of Finance (letter number 1523_01/04.14). We take pride in our numerous accreditations from governments-approved quality bodies, affirming our commitment to educational excellence. These include accreditation from BSKG, recognized by the Ministry of Education and Sciences in KG, EDU founded by the Ministry of Education in PW, and ASIC approved by the British Government. Additionally, our Vocational and Training Diplomas are approved by KHDA, a state agency in the UAE also known as the Dubai Educational Authority. Furthermore, our business programs up to the Doctorate level have received programmatic accreditation from prestigious organizations such as ECBE and ECLBS, esteemed accreditations in Europe. We have also obtained EFMD-EOCCS Certification for our Mini Diplomas. Notably, we are the first private business school in Switzerland to achieve double ISO certifications. ISBM is proud to be ranked among the leading hotel management schools globally by QRNW is a leading not-for-profit European association dedicated to fostering excellence in education. 

Submit Your Scholarly Papers for Peer-Reviewed Publication: Unveiling Seven Continents Yearbook Journal "U7Y Journal" ( ISSN: 3042-4399 (registered by the Swiss National Library)
Moreover, ISBM is an approved member of the Swiss National Tourist Office (MySwitzerland), the Swiss Association for Quality (SAQ), and the Arab-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CASCI), further underscoring our commitment to excellence and fostering strong business ties.

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Part of the Swiss International University SIU which is Licensed and accredited by the KG Ministry of Education and Science

جزء من الجامعة السويسرية الدولية، المرخصة والمعتمدة من قبل وزارة التعليم والعلوم

Teil der Swiss International University, die von dem Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsministerium der Kirgisischen Republik lizenziert und akkreditiert ist

Часть Швейцарского Международного Университета, который лицензирован и аккредитован Министерством образования

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